Thursday, December 3, 2009

FlashBack: Miss Selenia’s Interview with Luscious Maven 2009

Miss Selenia’s Interview with Luscious Maven

LM: How did you pole dancing?

SELENIA: I was engaged to be married and I had this idea that I wanted to give my husband a private Bachelor Party. Something intimate, just for him. I had playfully strip-teased for him before but for this I really wanted to take it to a different level and choreograph a little something. I mean really into character and perform. So I started taking some Burlesque classes and that lead me to pole dancing. 

LM: Why do you love to pole dance?

SELENIA: I love the freedom of expression; I love the challenge, not to mention the workout and the comradely with the other women. I love to get in a sexy frame of mind and remind myself of my power. It is so easy to let my self esteem get lost in the day to day, but pole dancing forces me to open up and face my insecurities, look in the mirror and revisit everything I should be loving about myself, especially those little details I fault myself for and for that time I let it go and dance!

LM: Do you have experience in other forms of dance?

SELENIA: Well, I have always loved to move to music. Dancing has always been fun for me. I have never danced professionally but looking back over the years I see that I have always been a part of some type of dance class. When I was little I took a few dance classes like ballet and tap and I grew into drill team and cheerleading. I actually attended Hollywood High’s Performing Arts program where I acted in plays and sang and danced on stage in special performances. And even still I enjoy hip-hop, ballroom and salsa so I bring a lot to the table when it comes to movement that I enjoy incorporating into my pole dance.

LM: What is your first memory of Dance?

SELENIA: My mother was a Belly Dancer and she taught me my first moves.  I can remember clearly standing on top of her feet hang on for dear life while she rolled her stomach and shook her hips to some tribal rhythm. I could physically feel her energy and her warm skin against my cheek as I held on tight crying out, “No mommy, No!” and she would say “Hold on!” I don’t think I even had the words to describe what she was doing but instinctively I think I knew she projected something sexy and forbidden and I didn’t want her to share that side of her. She just thought that was the silliest little thing and we would just laugh! Thank god my mother is

LM: Do you think ALL women should try pole dancing?

SELENIA: Yes! Why not? All women should be open minded and try new things at least once. To me, it isn’t so much the “pole”, or the “dancing” that is the must try, it is the energy you give to yourself when you combine the two. I believe there is something physically happening to your core, I would say it is spiritual, a Dr. might say that chemically your body is releases endorphins; someone else may describe it as just plain F-U-N! Whatever it is I would say there is definitely something brand new happening inside you when you start exploring your movement combined with the challenge of the pole and the inner and outer strength you learn about yourself. You open up like a present you give yourself.

LM: What you hope to share in your classes.

SELENIA: I believe it is important for women to give back to themselves, to be a little selfish and I feel like pole dancing is an outlet where it is all about you. So my goal is to bring out her alter ego, to set her mind and body free and send her home feeling rejuvenated. It is about trust so I create an environment where she feels safe and free to express herself without judgment. If I have set the mood and given by example then my reward is seeing the bulb bloom into a wild flower right before my eyes. It’s amazing! 

LM: Who is your Alter Ego?

SELENIA: My Alter Ego’s name is “Tanjureen”. Tanjureen Peach if she were to have a “full” name. She is vibrant, like the color Orange, bright and alive; full of energy and excitement. When you see her she has this evident glow about her. Yet when her eyes are set on you she is soft and sensual like a peach, deliberate and persuasive; full of mystery and desire and extremely tasty! Watchoutnow!

LM: Who or What creatively inspires you?

SELENIA: I wouldn’t say that I am a very religious person but I am spiritually in tune and very aware of my six senses and so I am constantly amazed and inspired by the gifts of God. The rise and set of the sun, the flutter of a ladybugs wings, the ocean breeze, the weight of water, the smell of honeysuckle and fresh cut grass, the taste of strawberries and chocolate, the sound of music and the way the instruments have the ability to take you on an emotional roller coaster, like unconditional love, the touch of skin on skin. Words… strung together in such a way that they make you wish they belonged to you, and people who are fearless. When I allow myself to be fully open I find inspiration all around me.

LM: Are you fluent in any other languages?

SELENIA: I speak the language of love and laughter fluently J hahaha! I am also no stranger to foul language and when absolutely necessary I sign language and use Ebonics. I tease, but I have always wanted to learn Spanish and I love the sound of the French and Italian languages, they are so beautiful.

LM: What allows you to experience "being in the flow"?

SELENIA: I consciously give myself permission to be “on”. If I have time to prepare then I will do something a little extra for myself for motivation. Something that makes me feel good! It could be an outfit or some sort of funky accessory, it could be making up my eyes or painting my lips but no matter what it is, it always starts by rolling my shoulders back and changing my attitude with my posture and instantly my confidence is ready to flow.

LM: Favorite Song for Pole Dancing:
SELENIA: I have quite the arsenal of favorites and I think it is cruel and unusual punishment to ask for just one! J But since you did I am partial to Beyonce’s “Speechless”. It is slow, sensual and has a great story and gets me in the mood every single time. It reminds me of my husband and my performance dance for him.

LM: Name a woman who inspires you?

SELENIA: I find women in general fascinating and amazing, I know it is vague to say all women inspire me on some level and they do; that really is the truth. But to be more specific I am inspired by different women for different reasons at different times. I am probably most inspired by Oprah just because every day she is giving me something to think about. So intellectually and a lot of times spiritually and emotionally she inspires me – just to aspire to be more and do more with this life I have been given. But then physically I am inspired by Janet Jackson, just because I relate to her body type and she knows how to turn up the sexy volume. I love to sing so I am vocally inspired by many, but always by Teena Marie’s range and musicality. I am inspired by words so Mya Angelou’s poetic genius gets me going. Creatively I am really impressed with Lady GaGa right now, she just rocks!  

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